Secure and independent thanks to own energy supply
Naturally, we have always been aware that industrial coating is particularly energy-intensive. Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, however, we have felt this more clearly than ever. Every day, we have to resharpen our pencils and calculate to struggle with the rising energy costs and the somewhat uncertain supply.
We have now invested heavily once again and have been securing our energy needs this year with our own photovoltaic and liquid gas systems. This gives us and our customers the necessary security and stability.
A roof full of electricity
In our mass small part coating business unit, electricity is the decisive parameter and, along with working time and material input, causes the largest share of production costs. Several washing, plasma and coating machines and drying ovens run here on a regular basis. They all run on electricity and despite the most modern equipment, it is difficult to compensate for the cost increases simply by working more economically. Whereas in the past we were still able to pass on the constantly but moderately rising electricity prices to the products, this is no longer possible with the sudden and enormous jump in prices. So what could be more obvious than to use our company roof for our own electricity production?
With the 1600 square metre photovoltaic system, we now cover up to 70 percent of our electricity needs. This enables us to keep as much of our production costs as stable as possible, while at the same time contributing to an environmentally friendly energy supply.
With a new liquid gas system, we are finally entering calmer waters again
What electricity is to mass small part coating, gas is to our industrial coating. The heating requirements in this area are very high, because in addition to the two production halls, the coating booths and drying rooms require even and high temperatures. The recent uncertainties in the natural gas supply have been like skating on thin ice for our production, so we decided to install a new liquid gas system. With this, we primarily want to bring more security back into our daily production routine and become more independent. Liquefied gas can be stored on-site and thus ensures us an independent supply for a certain period of time.
Decided, planned and implemented: in the past year, the coating booths and gas burners have been rebuilt, everything has been re-piped and a 6,000-litre liquid gas tank has been installed. This alone now allows our team to produce for half a year without refilling. In autumn last year, the existing natural gas pipes were finally disconnected. Since then, peace has returned to our industrial coating.